Friday, October 30, 2009

October Wanderings

Well, I felt bad that it had been so long since I put anything up here, so I decided to write this, a second posting in the same day, as something of recompense. (Not so right answer.) Or maybe I just felt a desperate need to write something tonight. (More so right answer.)

So here I am writing. Buckle up folks; it's going to be a very random, absurd, hectic, muddled, jumbled, fumbled, pickled, tickled, platypus, peanut butter of a posting. Enjoy! Or don't. Maybe it's a wiser choice to hit that X button in the upper right hand corner of your screen. (Unless you're reading this on a Mac, in which case I have no clue what that exit symbol is that will provide your means of escape from my insane ramblings.) It's up to you to decide.

For those of you that made it past that first test, congratulations! You are a percentage of the way through! And now I lost the train of thought that I never really had in the first place, so time to start a new one! Huzzah! (Every sentence in this paragraph had an exclamation point in it!)

I'm not sure if it has been a previous part of your immense fount of knowledge or not, O Reader, but October happens to be one of my favorite months. And tomorrow happens to be the last day of said month. Sad day. It will usher out the now-too-quickly fading late afternoon light that so commonly filtered down through clouds, birds, and trees to caress all within view in a way that rendered nothing common at all. In that same instant, the already brilliant colors of the changing leaves are heightened and softened. The radiant blue of the early autumn sky seeps down into the burnt though not yet harsh earth to compliment each other in a beauty that neither can hold alone. The air is crisp and clear; it gives you a sensation of euphoria, as though you could carry on just standing and breathing until the sun goes down. And then when it does, the stars come out in abundance, so much more visible through that purity of atmosphere: little spirits of hope for the return of the light in the day to come shining from under the tender covers of an Indian summer night. I simply cannot help but to stop and stare and dream every single time I find myself hit square in the face with this wonder. (And The Man wants me to believe that it was all created through random, unsupernatural (read "boring") methods of "science". Ha! The Man does not comprehend what science's true purpose is: namely to investigate in more detail the utter beauty of what has been created in order to see more and appreciate more.)

And on that climatic note, I'm not sure what else to say currently, other than that tomorrow is Halloween, so I will more likely than not have another post up on that within the next couple of days.

So until then,

Ever wandering where I will,

Copyright 2009 White Water. (As if it really matters, but really.)

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