Thursday, February 4, 2010

Finally... (!)

So I realize that it has been many moons since my last posting. You probably thought I fell off the face of the earth, or that I had gotten into a terrible accident and secluded myself from the rest of the world to be overwhelmed in self-pity, or (horror of horrors) you haven't been checking up on my blog and never even noticed, or maybe you simply know me well enough to remember how lazy I can be and have more than likely just been waiting for me to announce the return of my presence. In the first case: that would have been a grand adventure indeed, but sadly it did not happen. To the second case: that would have been truly annoying and I'm quite unannoyed that it did not. As for the third case: I would be rather saddened to hear such, but will strive harder in the coming days to make sure that such does not continue. And if you chose the fourth case: well, honesty prompts me to say that you would be correct in your assumption.

But! (Oh how wondrous the fullness of power and depth which can be so sublimely and subliminally contained in one word!)
But, I have a proclamation to proclaim!
From henceforth, there will be a tumult of writings pouring out from this very blog! You are not convinced? Then let me begin to convert your doubting Thomas by ending this post and beginning the next! See you in a minute or two!

Sallying forth,

Copyright 2010 White Water.
There was a special spot in my heart for plagiarizers. I cut it out and burned it.

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