Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Cold, harsh eyes
Furtively glancing
Each instant piercing, tearing
Hateful eyes.
Glaring looks
Leaking black light
Painful light
Searing my eyes
I cannot see!
The world is sinking, swirling…
Where am I?
Who am I?
What am I?
…Am I?
I am empty
A shadow, spinning in darkness
There is nothing.
Light flickers again…
But this is white
It does not move
It is solid
Surging past my eyes
Filling the soul
Soft, compassionate eyes
Reaching out
Longing for me…

This was the first real poem I ever wrote. It was back when I finally realized that I had been given a passion to write, and that I might as well get around to doing something with it, that this poem came into existence. I remember the joy and pride overwhelming me upon its completion. I wanted to show it to everyone, yet at the same time it was such a meager offering in reality that I was rather afraid of what the reaction would be. And so there I was, anticipating the end of my inspiration right at the beginning, yet unable to keep it to myself. Thankfully it was met with no negativity, albeit not a whole lot of support either. Nevertheless, it was something to start with. And from there my journey has taken me along many twists and turns, through mountains and valleys, fear and freedom. But that's another tale to be told...


Copy write 2009 White Water. Etc.

1 comment:

  1. I must also give credit to the anime Naruto for some pretty swell image inspiration for this piece. (But maybe you didn't want to know that.) ;)
