Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The First Blog

I have been cheating on this blog, posting all of my writings on my Facebook account, along with this site. However, I do not feel adulterous in the slightest. I am merely attempting to expand my audience (and therefore critique), and so I was inspired to create this wonderworld for words that the mysterious phenomena known as the "internet" has provided. (Props must also go to Dominic www.dominicfaineant.blogspot.com for particular outlet of said inspiration.) I hope that you will be delighted in reading and commenting on what is put up here as much as I delight in posting them!


Copyright 2009 White Water (Though if you managed to find anything that you're desperate enough to plagiarize from this post, I guess I really don't care if you do.)


  1. I'm glad you've finally joined blogspot! Will you post different poems and stories on here than on your facebook account?

    I must say I've been enjoying Dominic's writings, too :)

  2. The differences between this blog and my facebook page will actually be somewhat minimal. I won't be putting up the PNW serial here (that will be exclusive to Facebook). I will, however, be putting extensive commentary on my writings that I post here. I will also be posting some other random thoughts that won't end up on FB. In other words, this blog is more laid back and less professional (and therefore more creative and fun).

  3. Hehehe :) Alrighty, sounds good! I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.
